Public has the power

'People of village have the absolute right to determine land use of all land'

Contrary to Lillian Martin’s account, Harrison’s Great Park, (the whole 400 acres in the East sector) was secured by the Village many years before Leo Facio became mayor. All that busy work she recounts cannot hide the fact that the OCP (new, 7.3.2 “To examine possible future residential land uses in the East Sector …….”) and zoning has been changed to weaken its protection and open up the North block to a clearcut and subdivision. She also repeats the completely untrue fallacy that private ownership confers development rights. This is rubbish. We, the people of the Village, have the absolute right to determine land use of all land, including privately owned land. We have done this by declaring the North Block as future parkland. So it has no development value, unless council grants this. I’m hoping the new council will protect the whole 400 acres and just say “No” to Kingma’s Harrison Horizons development plan by restoring the previous protective language.

John Allen

Agassiz Observer