Public hearing extension appreciated

Editor: I wish to publicly thank Councillor Kim Richter for her motion at the Jan. 16 Township council meeting to extend public hearings to Jan. 23. The hearings were about removing properties from the ALR and rezoning them for development.

On Jan. 16, we experienced one of our worst snow storms of the season, which made it difficult for citizens to attend and voice their opinions, for or against. A packed presentation theatre at the additional Jan. 23 hearings proved the value of Richter’s motion.

My thanks also to Councillor Michelle Sparrow for seconding the motion, and to Councillors Dave Davis, Bev Dornan and Steve Ferguson for voting in support. As a result, at the second hearing, we heard more excellent and varied presentations.

With a 5 to 4 vote, we almost lost the hearing extension. Why did Mayor Jack Froese and Councillors Charlie Fox, Bob Long and Grant Ward vote to stick to the schedule, when our worst storm of the season obviously impeded fair public input? I’m certain those who attended would appreciate answers.

Larri Woodrow,


Langley Times