Public schools versus private ones

Letter writer says if parents of private school children lost subsidy there would be an influx into public schools.

Editor, The News:

Re: Rally organizers heard in Victoria (The News, May 30).

Stacy MacLennan says “that taxpayer dollars should not be given to private schools.”

She is not being logical.

Parents who send their children to private school, sometimes at great sacrifice, pay full school taxes for public schools and pay half for their own child.

If they lost their subsidy, there would be an influx into public schools. Then the taxpayers would pay full cost of educating those students.

Also, a lot of the private schools have nowhere near the programs and assistance of public schools.

So to reiterate, now taxpayers pay half of private school tuition, and if they closed, taxpayers would pay full cost.

Also, at private school they have less nonsense, as is occurring now.

Cherryl Katnich

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News