Public trust necessary to system

I agree with Tracy Hughes’ assessment that a new board is in order so a fresh start can begin and rebuilding of public confidence can occur

In light of the significant issues of trust facing School District 83 (Wanted: New School Board, April 20) I agree with Tracy Hughes’ assessment that a new board is in order so a fresh start can begin and rebuilding of public confidence can occur.

As she states, it will be difficult for any further decisions by the current board to occur as each step they make will have the stain and baggage of the past. Sometimes one’s best contribution is to leave so the rebuilding can begin.

From there, restorative solutions need to be considered. For example, finding cuts that do not impact student services at all for the coming year, not moving over any surplus that may exist in July to capital, and keeping funds in operating for student services should be in order.  The recommendations of the special advisor who has been appointed by the Education Minister need to be taken seriously and implemented transparently and swiftly versus the wheel spinning that has occurred around other decisions in the past.  This would send a strong signal to parents that the rebuilding of goodwill and confidence is a priority.

Sheri Hamilton


Salmon Arm Observer