Public wages far above private sector

Re: Wages need to match inflation (Our View, Sept. 19)

Re: Wages need to match inflation (Our View, Sept. 19)

While this endorsement is an admirable idea in light of tough economic times, one really needs to consider what is developing globally.

In Europe economies are falling like dominoes, the U.S. our largest trading partner is still mired in a deep recession and China is catching its breath.

B.C. and Canada are not isolated from this contagion. World banks and bond companies are beginning to take a long hard look at all levels of government borrowing and here in B.C., our debt will reach $56.7 billion by March 2013. The interest on this debt will be $2.55 billion. This represents six per cent of the province’s expenditures and will limit the amount used to help pay for health and education.

The public in B.C. can not afford any more burden on the provincial or municipal debt load. Appoint a provincial and municipal ombudsman whose role is to expose these excesses and make our leaders and elected politicians accountable.

Danny Parker



Peninsula News Review