Puppy mills mistreat pooches

Adopt from a rescue group like the SPCA, or be sure to buy from a reputable breeder.

To the Editor,

Last month, my dog, Daisy, died. She was resilient, brave, and the most gentle spirit I have ever known.

Daisy was born into a puppy mill located on the mainland of B.C. where she was used as a breeder dog for the first eight years of her life. A puppy mill is a commercial breeding facility that mass produces puppies for sale on the Internet, through ads, by brokers, or at pet stores. An emphasis on profit takes precedence over the animal’s health and welfare, and conditions for the dogs are sub-standard. Breeder dogs like Daisy are housed in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, without adequate veterinary care, food, water, socialization, exercise or basic grooming. Once the dog’s usefulness is over, they are disposed of in the cheapest way available. However, some are rescued by caring groups, rehabilitated, and adopted into new homes where they are loved.

If or when you are looking for a canine companion to share your home and heart, please remember Daisy and all those dogs suffering life in puppy mills and either adopt from a rescue group like the SPCA, or be sure to buy from a reputable breeder.

Barbara CooperNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin