Purchase your luminaries today

Relay for Life sacheduled for May 25 in LeBourdais Park 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.

Relay For Life is fast approaching in Quesnel and we are very excited for our 12th annual event.  Relay is the premiere fundraising event of the year for the Canadian Cancer Society and the money raised makes a big difference in the lives of those battling cancer.

With only one week to go, we are encouraging everyone in the Quesnel area to participate in Relay For Life in some way.  Whether it be purchasing a bag of gingersnaps from the Quesnel Bakery, making a donation to a friend or family member who is fundraising, or purchasing a luminary, you can make a difference in the fight against cancer.

Luminary bags are an important part of Relay For Life.  For the past several weeks, our volunteers have been out in the community selling the luminaries that will line the track during the Remember Ceremony at relay.

When you purchase a luminary to honour someone who is fighting cancer or remember someone who has been lost, you are also providing a message of hope to all those who have or are dealing with cancer.

A message that their struggle is not forgotten and that we are fighting back against cancer on their behalf.

Luminaries will be available at the Quesnel Farmers’ Market on Saturday, May 18 and are also available at the Quesnel Visitor Centre until Friday.

May 24.  They will also be available at the information tent at Relay For Life.

You can write your own message of hope on the bag when you purchase it, take it home to decorate and bring back to Relay, or give our team of calligraphers a message to write for you.

Whatever way you choose, we encourage you to purchase a luminary in honour of someone you know or as a symbol of hope to any and all fighting cancer.

As Relay For Life approaches, we would like to thank Quesnel for all of its generous support in donations, sponsorship, volunteering, attendance to Relay.

We hope that the support will continue and that we will see you all at Relay For Life on May 25.

Upcoming Events:

May 15 – 23 – Silent Auction Items at Circle S Western Wear; view and bid on the items donated to the Relay For Life Silent Auction.  Be sure to come down to Relay to keep bidding!

May 15 – 24 – Luminaries available at the Quesnel Visitor Centre; open 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. until May 18; open 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. daily starting May 22,

May 18 – Luminary and Cookie Sales at the Quesnel Farmers’ Market, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.; purchase your luminary and gingersnaps here.

May 18 – Family Fun Bottle Drop-Off at Safeway, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.; bring in your bottles and cans to support Relay For Life.

May 22 – Bank Night at Integris Credit Union, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.; bring in your donations and pick up your team packages.

May 25 – RELAY FOR LIFE – join us in LeBourdais Park to Celebrate, Remember, and Fight Back!

– submitted by Kara Perdue

Quesnel Cariboo Observer