Putting British Columbians first

Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA proud of her government's economy

To the editor:

I am writing in response to the Guest Shot by Trish Garner that ran on page A8 of the Nov. 3 edition of the 100 Mile House Free Press.

As the MLA for Cariboo Chilcotin, I’m proud to be a part of a government that is keenly focused on improving the lives of British Columbians. Our B.C. Liberal government has a plan to put British Columbians first, and our plan is working across the province.

It starts with building a strong foundation for a strong and diverse economy. Recently, B.C. has become number 1 in Canada in economic growth, number 1 in creating jobs, and number 1 in having the lowest taxes for middles-class families in Canada.

In light of our economic strengths, our finance minister has just announced that B.C.’s first quarter results indicate $2.5 billion in new revenue. This means that government revenue has increased significantly without having to raise any taxes.

With this new funding, we are cancelling the planned four per cent increase to MSP premiums and are enhancing premium assistance for those who need it most. This means that parents with two children could save up to $696 next year or a single parent with two children could save as much as $1,248.

A strong economy means we can invest more here at home.

It has been an honour serving as your MLA, and my mission is to continually improve the quality of life for everyone here in our community.

Donna Barnett, MLA

Cariboo Chilcotin

100 Mile House Free Press