Putting deer out to pasture

Wildlife farm offers to house deer relocated from Penticton

In light of the ongoing controversy regarding a number of deer running at large within the city limits of Penticton, I hereby submit an alternative option as opposed to a planned slaughter of these creatures — a capture and relocation of the deer to my wildlife farm located in the Willowbrook area.

I own and maintain a 160-acre parcel of land completely surrounded by Crown property. I have designated this parcel as a protected wildlife habitat — no hunting, this is a private, non-profit project.

The existing open range with many decommissioned skidder trails provide access beyond and into Riply Lake and the historic Grandora Mine site.

This is the most ideal area for a catch-and-release program. A spring-fed creek on the property complements the sustainability for wildlife survival and renewal. An ideal time for the capture and release would be in the spring, giving the city time to formulate a plan.

The proposal that I have outlined comes with no fees required for the range use. It is my contribution to the preservation of wildlife. Anyone on city council interested in this offering may contact the writer for further discussion. No website, sorry. Support and input from the public is welcome also. My phone number and mailing address is available from the Western News.

Dave Chaplin

Orofino Nature Farm





Penticton Western News