QB council tactics

I have the distinct impression that the pro-development faction in QB is very worried about the upcoming civic election.

After reading letters to the editor in the October 21 edition of The NEWS, I was left with the distinct impression that the pro-development faction in Qualicum Beach is very worried about the upcoming civic election.

It seems that letter writer Brian Peckford, at the age of 72, fears a Qualicum Beach where there will be no young person to care for him, pick up his groceries or entertain him.

Most of the people I see cycling every day are older than 72. Peckford fears a Qualicum which is “irrelevant,” a “bubble lost in time,” and reports that people he talks to from “outside” already see us that way.

This is in direct contrast to my own experience. People from “outside” tell me that Qualicum Beach is great just the way it is, and comment on the thoughtful planning over past decades which made it so. Some members of the current council have attempted to fast-track development.  Let’s be realistic: it’s not about quality of life. It’s all about money.

Peckford has described what he wants. I’d like to say what I want: a council which is not ruled by business; a town which continues to grow slowly and carefully, as it has in the past, and continues to provide its citizens with a calm and enjoyable place to live. Rampant development has spoiled at least two towns on this Island — been there, seen that, no thanks.

A lot of people are fed up with the tactics of some council members. This will be an interesting election.

R. Vincent ParsonsQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News