QUALICUM BEACH ELECTION: Irony alive and well

If the Concerned Citizens of Qualicum Beach 'walk like a duck, quack like a duck . . . '

So, irony is apparently live and well in Qualicum Beach. In their latest lecture, delivered to mailboxes throughout the town in the shape and form of a pamphlet, the anonymous “Concerned Citizens of Qualicum Beach “(henceforth referred to as ConCit for brevity) announced their plan to bring unity to the community by demonizing the current town council and all who voted for them. Its O.K. though, we are told that an ignorant electorate couldn’t possibly have known who and what they were voting for.

And what was that you may ask? Apparently, nothing short of disrespecting the mayor by taking away the extra income provided by a permanent seat on the regional council, turning the town over to rapacious developers and generally behaving as though their election gave them a mandate to govern. Apparently the majority of three just couldn’t be made to see eye to eye with the minority of two on every issue, so for this they must be punished.

Accordingly, showing their patience for our difficulty in these complicated matters, the good anonymous folks of ConCit have this time graciously given us a list of sanitized candidates who it is safe to vote for (for the sake of brevity they will henceforth be referred to as the Fabulous Six). Confidently speaking on behalf of the “vast majority,” ConCit reassures us that development is O.K. if it as long as it’s “prudent,” doesn’t change anything and doesn’t make any money.

In a final irony, ConCit’s disclaimer states that they are not aligned with any political party or candidate. This despite endorsing the Fabulous Six as a slate of candidates and claiming for them a common political agenda. What’s that old adage? “If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…..”?

Gee, don’t you feel more united already?

Ewan Cotterill

Qualicum Beach

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