Qualicum Beach Residents’ Association’s proud history

The Qualicum Beach Residents’ Association (QBRA) was formed in 1971.

Re: ‘Coffee Shop Architects’ letter to the editor by Don Logeman (The NEWS, Sept. 15).

I would suggest Dan Logeman refers to the book Qualicum Beach: A History of Vancouver Island’s Best Kept Secrets, by Brad Wylie.

The Qualicum Beach Residents’ Association (QBRA) was formed in 1971. Chapter 30 of Wylie’s book is devoted to the history and accomplishments of the QBRA: “The objects of the association were to encourage and promote the residents to improve their local conditions and community at large, through organized representation, to make suitable recommendations before the Village Council regarding specific issues, and to ensure representation of the association at council meetings for information purposes.”

QBRA caused a design panel to be set up by council to review building permit applications for commercial properties, consisting of the building inspector and two members at large. This evolved into today’s advisory planning committee.

Upon reading Wylie’s book, I hope Logeman will be pleasantly surprised to discover that, among other things, the Village Clock was a gift to the town from the QBRA .

With such a proud history, I don’t think “splinter group” is an appropriate description. It is a slur and an insult to the membership.

According to its bylaws, the QBRA’s mission is to:

(a) promote and facilitate opportunities for the residents of Qualicum Beach to express their views on political, social, cultural, economic, environmental and other matters for which they may have interests (eg. quality of life, property values; etc.);

(b) consider, recommend and promote such legislative, policy and other measures related to the long-term interests of residents; and,

(c) facilitate the transfer of information and knowledge between residents and their local government.

The QBRA always hosts an all-candidates meeting prior to the elections of our town council.

I am a proud member of the QBRA and I do not believe Logeman’s assurances from current councillors regarding the legitimacy of the QBRA.

Susan PorterQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News