Quality of life deteriorating in province

How much more can the people take before they decide to get rid of their blinders?

To the Editor,

Re: Editorial cartoon, March 1.

Fantastic cartoon of Christy Clark wearing blinders, although many of us were very much aware of this impediment or prerequisite to becoming a B.C. Liberal MLA. But why is this situation allowed to flourish in our present B.C. government?

They are only in power because the majority of their supporters also wear blinders, and are unable to see the unethical neglect and deterioration caused by a seemingly self-serving government. There are too many people blind enough to be content with the obvious deterioration of everything we had going for us.

Our quality of life has severely deteriorated because of the government’s inability to meet its financial obligations to the citizens of B.C. Everything is on the decline except the ridiculous rising cost of everything including continuous increases to private enterprises, government salaries, and political favours to the corporate systems. How much more can the people take before they decide to get rid of their blinders and take a good look around at what’s really happening?

John A. MartinNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin