Quesnel museum update

Find out what the museum has been up to and where it's heading in the future

This month, I thought we might give our readers a ‘brief ‘ summary of our Report to City Council.

And I quote: (not verbatim!)

Thank you for the opportunity to present a brief report on our priority projects for last year and our 50th Anniversary celebrations for this year. Yes, the Quesnel Museum building is now 50 years old! The architect’s plans, drawings and specifications for its replacement are also ready and they have been for almost 10 years now! They, unlike the Quesnel Museum building itself, are not obsolete.
We have made progress on our Museum Commission Strategic Planning as your City Museum Commission. We hope to complete and implement it by next year.

We are very pleased to report that we, along with the Friends of the Museum, have now established a permanent Legacy Gifting Fund within the Quesnel Community Foundation, with initial contributions of $5,000 from the Friends of the Museum, along with $5,000 from the Museum’s gift shop profits. This $10,000, along with matching funds from the Quesnel Community Foundation, means we now have the Quesnel Museum Legacy Endowment Fund, with a start up total of $20,000 in donations. The interest earned from this fund will provide an annual income stream to the museum to help fund special projects at the museum. An advertising pamphlet, to encourage donations and bequeaths from individuals and families, is being developed in conjunction with the Quesnel Foundation’s staff and directors and will be distributed to many outlets, not only where seniors frequent, but where all Quesnelites gather.

Improved museum signage was one of the short term goals identified during strategic planning and, thanks in part to Integris Credit Union, two new signs are being erected. Note: our new slogan is now, “Explore Yesterday, Today!”

As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations, the museum is sponsoring 50 weekly columns in the Observer. Each one highlights a newsworthy event from 1963.

The Museum opened on Aug. 16, 1963. Friday, Aug. 16 and Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013 will be the focus of our celebrations with free admission to the museum, an afternoon tea for past donors and volunteers, an “Antiques Road Show” and the launch of our QR code project.

In August, we will be co-hosting an exhibit with the Art Gallery called MUSEum, with emphasis on the root word Muse. The new work will be exhibited alongside the museum pieces that inspired them at both institutions.

Our third priority last year was to explore smartphone technology to add interpretive content to museum exhibits and community tours.

Last year, we had a sale of de-accessioned items from the collection and items that were donated for sale to raise funds for the collection. The proceeds were just under $1,400 which are now reserved to purchase items for the collection or conservation materials or to hire a conservator to treat an artifact.

The Museum Commission has begun research to provide City Council with information to make an informed decision on the options and costs of insuring our Museum collection. A certified appraiser provided a quick estimate of $450,000 for the collection, which we will use to obtain quotes.

With the Our Quesnel sustainability plan we remind you that a new facility for the museum and visitor centre was designed with sustainable principles in mind. We await Council’s permission to actively pursue funding.

Commissioners were assured that this facility is high on the list of City priorities following the resolution of the Multi-Centre.

While the column is a bit lengthy, the Commission has been busy on your behalf and wished to make you aware of just what is taking place as we “Pass Time” at the Museum.

We should hear at least one little song every day, read a good poem, see a first-rate painting and if possible speak a few sensible words.        – Goethe

Honey Affleck is chair of the Museum Commission and regular Observer columnist.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer