Questions about polling stations

However, I have to wonder how Abbotsford decides where its citizens should vote.

There always seems to be a lot of complaining about low voter turnout after every election. It’s my belief that people should become informed and go to the polls.

However, I have to wonder how Abbotsford decides where its citizens should vote. I live in a highly populated area with many houses, condos, apartments and townhouses in the vicinity. Where was my polling station? It was at Upper Sumas Elementary School, miles away from my home, in a sparsely populated area with absolutely no access by public transportation.

Perhaps half of the people working there (there were two other voters when I was there) could have been stationed somewhere nearer my home where there is a much larger population base and public transit.

There should be more polling stations and voting should be made as easy and convenient as possible for citizens. Or, is the City of Abbotsford trying to supress voters?

Memo to the new mayor and council: I was always against the P3 water plan, and with every brochure, phone call, and page after page of newspaper ads promoting it, I became more angry and resentful that tax dollars (I hear it was $200,000) were used for propaganda endorsing it.

I also wasted over an hour of my time listening to a telephone town hall meeting. Time ran out before my questions could be asked, but there were a couple of participants who used the forum to go on at length flattering the mayor but asked no questions, and the so-called moderator just let them go on.

At the end I was told that I could ask my questions on voice mail (which I did) and I would receive a phone call answering them. I never heard another word.

Carole Harlow

Abbotsford News