Questions arise


We don’t have enough money to fix our Kal Lake dock?

We have enough taxpayer money to buy land on Swan Lake that has seen no improvement in 12 months?

We have enough taxpayer money to buy land for a rail trail parking lot? When that lot was listed for sale and a private individual wanted to purchase this lot, it also came with a price tag of close to $1 million of local Coldstream improvements. Do we have this in the budget or has this gone away since Coldstream taxpayers made the purchase.

Is there enough money to fix the park cabin across from the Kalvista boat launch? Why does the taxpayer even own this land and rent it out to private industry? Shouldn’t this type of business model belong to free enterprise? There is a park sign on the fence surrounding this property but yet it isn’t operated as a park.

We are told that tourism is big business and we need a $7 million outdoor track, and we need the rail trail and a rail trail parking lot but what we really need are smarter politicians that have the taxpayer at interest.

I drove by the $7 million-plus track recently and saw one person there, yet I drive by Kal Beach and see many happy taxpayers and tourists enjoying themselves, even in the high water.

If it is the fight and illegal activities that go on, what are the politicians’ plans if fights and drugs trade hands on the beach after the dock is gone? Sell it and build condos? What are the politicians’ plans if a fight or drug deal takes place in any of the municipal buildings or on public lands (rail trail parking lots) or the steps of the courthouse? Is it your plan to sell these assets, tear them down or let them rot?

Many more families will enjoy the dock at Kal Beach than those that will enjoy any parking lot, swamp land on Swan Lake or park that actually isn’t a park. And guess what, you don’t need a car, a bike or any other invested money to enjoy Kal Beach and its dock — just your tax dollar and a ride on public transit.

Quit governing to the lowest common denominator, stand up and be accountable, represent those who pay your wages and quit making feeble excuses as they are coming back to bite.

While I am ranting, why do those in need of sandbags have to bag their own sand when Coldstream for sure has a bagger? Why do we not have an inventory of pre-filled bags for those in need, especially if a demand this big is once in a 100 or 200-year occurrence?

Donald Craig

Vernon Morning Star