Questions over zoning process


Re: Fourth storey a concern in White Rock, July 19.


Re: Fourth storey a concern in White Rock, July 19.

With reference to the city granting a CD zoning to the property on Roper Street, I would just like to say that the White Rock city manager states that this project is only going to be four feet higher than is currently allowed.

How do you build a four-storey building, with the ground floor being built at grade level, and end up being only four feet higher than a three-storey building?

My other concern is that if there is a fire or some other disaster in the homes closest to the entrance of the property, how will other residents be evacuated, as there is only one entrance/exit to the projects? The developer has stated that the plan is to acquire the third lot, but this has not been accomplished.

Why would the city grant an OK until the developer had legal ownership to the third lot and these safety concerns could be addressed?

Gale Dawson, White Rock



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