Questions raised about the Erosion of democracy over Jumbo

Doug Clovechok responds to apiece written by MLA Norm Macdonald

Having recently read Norm Macdonald’s “erosion of democracy” rant around the Jumbo Glacier Resort issue, I question whether Norm actually understands what democratic process means.

He definitely understands how to make himself look noble and saintly by manipulating the facts to his advantage in  all of his public communications. His most recent lament about the loss of democracy around the government’s decision to allow Jumbo Glacier Resort (JGR) to move forward is sadly typical of his cynical willingness to derive political gain from any situation. From previous writings we already know that he is prepared to frighten seniors with the prospect of losing their driver’s license, when he knows 98 per cent of seniors will never be tested,  and he has attempted to tell outdoors lovers that the Resource Roads project is about reducing public access to crown lands when he knows it is the absolute opposite! Macdonald’s most recent “jumbo” claim, attempts to tell us that the legal process established by successive democratically elected governments, should be ignored and overthrown by “mob rule.” So for the record Norm, I take this opportunity to remind you of the democratic process that has surrounded the Jumbo issue.

It was the NDP’s Premier Mike Harcourt who, in writing, wished the proponent “good luck with this great project” and it was the NDP’s Glen Clark who publically extolled the virtues of the project. It was the NDP who said the Kootenay Boundary Land Use Plan would be the final word on land use and the final word was that the Jumbo Valley was identified for “resort development”. It was the NDP who established the Environmental Assessment Process and said the project would proceed if it earned a certificate, which it did. Interestingly, it was the same Environmental Assessment office that recognized that opposition to the project during the public consultations was actually less than expected. Now jump to the present and after 21 years of the proponent meeting every requirement that was put before them by the NDP and the BC Liberals, Macdonald insists the “democratic” thing to do is to simply say too bad, some people are opposed and you lose because we say so.

Despite Macdonald’s disguised attempts to make the public believe our democracy is in jeopardy and eroding, it would seem that he and his NDP cronies do not understand or care about democratic due process. In fact, it was former NDP Minister David Zirnhelt who said, “government can do anything it wants”. Sound like a party that understands democracy? The prospect of these NDP authoritarian and ideological zealots once again taking power in BC ought to scare the living bejeezus out of every British Columbian. If you happen to be the next unfortunate person or small, medium or large business they need to exploit for political convenience, you will understand exactly what I am talking about!

Doug Clovechok

BC Liberal Candidate Nominee



Golden Star