Emergency responders ensured victims of an apartment fire were transported to safety, writes Catherine Robertson.

Emergency responders ensured victims of an apartment fire were transported to safety, writes Catherine Robertson.

Quick, intense and professional


Re: ‘Flames were as high as the building,’ May 1.


Re: ‘Flames were as high as the building,’ May 1.

On April 26, at approximately 6:20 a.m., our 60-unit apartment fire alarm sounded, sending tenants out into the streets as fire and ambulance vehicles arrived with screaming sirens in the downpour of rain.

Space is too short to accommodate the praise, I believe, is due to all emergency staff from our most competent firefighters, paramedics and police.

Response was quick, intense and professional in every way.

Upon the arrival of most tenants – and their pets – to our Centennial Arena complex by arranged TransLink buses, we were met by the incredibly organized White Rock emergency social services and reception staff who had already set up tables of hot coffee, tea and nourishing snacks to eat. This capable staff processed all tenants present, first accounting for all, then assisting with accommodation and insurance issues for each.

A huge thank you is due also to the manager and staff of PriceSmart Foods for quickly donating a wonderful lunch for all which included very generously filled sandwiches, sliced melons and other fruits.

I am writing to express the personal gratitude and extreme pride I feel for all our White Rock professionals who displayed, in every way, their professionalism and caring throughout the entire emergency response situation.

Thank you all!

Catherine Robertson, White Rock


Peace Arch News