Quick response from spraying program appreciated

After a call to the official responsible, helicopters spraying for the gypsy moth were flown at higher altitudes over Langley.

Editor: Last Friday, I called Tim Ebata, a B.C. government employee in charge of the gypsy moth spray program. We finally connected at 4:45 p.m.

He told me he would look into the issue I presented regarding helicopters flying low over our home in Langley from 6 to 7 a.m., to do spraying in Surrey and Delta.

Helicopters are quite noisy, but this was even worse due to the spray equipment attachments.

I didn’t expect much to happen since it was the weekend, but at 7:45 p.m. he called back. He stated that he had spoken to the pilots, and they were going to see what they could do.

On Saturday morning, they were flying higher and quieter.  Who says calling Victoria doesn’t always work? It might if you try.

And kudos to the helicopter pilots who were willing to try to help.

Sandy Hanawalt,


Langley Times