I disagree with Bob McCoubrey.
This only serves a certain amount of the population. Maybe it only costs the residents $27 a year but I do agree with Carol Maveety.
A commuter train is the best and most logical choice. Commuter trains are used all over Europe and England.
This rail right-of-way or corridor is 30 feet wide. Why can’t we have both and avoid the expense of removing the rails, thereby serving all?
What a privilege it would be to be able to just hop on a train to Kelowna or any place south, especially in the winter.
Couldn’t the $27 be used for this?
We have the rails. All we need is two passenger cars and a small engine travelling the whole Okanagan Valley.
This could be a viable business venture. This way all of the people could enjoy the rail corridor.
We must look to the future and the growth of the Okanagan Valley.
L.M. Neufeld