

Rail could be reality with better priorities

Tourist rail is only one small part of the corridor's value.

Rail could be reality with better priorities

I would like to address two letters to the editor and one article.

Donna Einarsson seems to believe that ripping up the rails is the only way to go on the E&N rail corridor. Nothing could be further from the truth. The corridor already has a trail along most of its length and putting buses on the corridor is nothing more than inviting more environmental damage. Buses have maximum carrying capacity and could never match the capacity of a light rail system. In fact, your letter is a bit hypocritical when you advocate for buses on the corridor while criticising the buses running in your community.

Then there is Marja Blase who talks of tourist rail. Tourist rail is only one small part of the corridor’s value. Commuter, intercity passenger and freight are the backbones of rail operations, that’s what is being proposed. A multi-service rail corridor.

Then on page A21 of the Aug. 18 edition we hear this absolutely foolish idea of spending $950 million on a sporting event that only caters to a few people. Tax dollars at that. One quarter of that would turn the E&N rail corridor into a first class rail system meant for everyone’s use and with a vision for the future. Let’s wake up and smell the rose folks and get our priorities straight.

Jack Peake

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen