The changed colour scheme of White Rock’s waterfront railings – from blue to black – continues to stir debate.

The changed colour scheme of White Rock’s waterfront railings – from blue to black – continues to stir debate.

Rail opinions cover the spectrum


Re: Railing paint ‘badly needed,’ Aug. 23; Feeling blue over painting it black, Aug. 23 letters.


Re: Railing paint ‘badly needed,’ Aug. 23.

Although not a White Rock resident, I am fortunate to be able to spend lots of time at the beautiful waterfront.

It’s very disappointing to see the railings along the promenade painted black. The original blue colour was so appropriate and added so much to the scenery.

Now the railings are dark and dismal.

As to city manager Dan Bottrill’s reasoning that the black colour doesn’t distract from the picturesque waterfront – not true. At least two-thirds of the days are cloudy and gloomy, and the former blue colour really brightened things up on those days.

Typical decision made by a bureaucrat, made without consulting council or White Rock taxpayers because that’s what he thought would be best.

And on my 50-minute walk on the promenade this morning, I encountered no less than six dogs being walked along by their owners, in spite of the signage that pets are not allowed. Maybe Bottrill’s painters could spend a little time repainting the “no dogs” decals on the walkways. And of course, as usual, not a bylaw officer in sight – oh wait, I forgot, they’re all where the money is, in the parking lots.

Kudos to the City of Surrey for their decision to not allow dogs in Surrey’s parks where there are playing fields. I visit Bakerview Park often and on numerous occasions have seen owners allow their pets to do their business on the grass with no attempt, or intention, to clean up after them. And by the way, its a lot more than “a few” pet owners that dog-lovers constantly refer to.

Don Campbell, Surrey

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City manager Dan Bottrill should be ordered to personally finance the repaint to blue.

Prison bars do not belong on the people’s beach.

Jean Moffat, Surrey

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Re: Feeling blue over painting it black, Aug. 23 letters.

I think the black railing on the promenade looks great.

I also think letter-writer Donna Burns needs to get a life, maybe complain about the high cost of parking, or all the highrises being put up, or maybe even how the city wastes the taxpayers’ money on dumb things, maybe even complain about fixing some of the roads.

Go down to the beach, feed the pigeons, enjoy life…

Terry Sauer, Surrey


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