Rail trail vote

Resident urges Lake Counter voters to get involved in the process

I am not a resident of Lake Country, so I cannot vote for the rail trail through Lake Country. I do have a strong opinion about it. Even though I am 70 years of age, I am a strong believer in building B.C. communities for the benefit of future generations, especially in the Central Okanagan and in the Okanagan Valley.

I would ask all of you who have the opportunity to vote to consider the following: in a democracy, the majority rules. Win or lose, the results are said to belong to all in the area the vote occurs. Remember that Vernon lost the airport by a handful of votes; Kelowna got the airport by a handful of votes. Yet to this day, you hear, “Vernon voted against the airport; Kelowna voted for it.”  Not by how much in either case.

The point is this, the way you vote at the time is looked at in the future as immaterial to what the majority eventually did at that time. However, all of those who are eligible to vote now, along with the future generations who could possibly see the rail trail disappear out of public use, still have to bear the responsibility of the actions of that majority, should the majority vote against that trail.

Get your vote done; hopefully such that someday it can be said, “Lake Country had enough foresight to see the jewel they and the Okanagan had and voted to go after it for us who live in the future.”

Jim Edgson

North Westside


Vernon Morning Star