Raised-in-B.C. funds needed


How ironic that last Friday’s Peace Arch News had an article about the lack of funding for Surrey schools (Made-in-Surrey school solution sought) and an article about Kevin Falcon contending in the Liberal race (Falcon says he’ll dominate the north) on the front page.


How ironic that last Friday’s Peace Arch News had an article about the lack of funding for Surrey schools (Made-in-Surrey school solution sought) and an article about Kevin Falcon contending in the Liberal race (Falcon says he’ll dominate the north) on the front page.

On the one hand we have district Supt. Mike McKay with a public plea for funds to actually keep our schools running, and on the other we have a man who is trying to further his career with the belief that the campaign was about “membership, money and momentum.” No word about the school crisis in his own front yard.

Turn the page to finish both articles and on Page 5 you read about temporary fixes and inequities in funding formulas for schools that are actually growing as opposed to shrinking. The way things work now, if you suffer growing pains you suffer alone.  Handouts galore for those who have fewer students.

And on Page 4 you read about a campaign that raised $700,000 to advertise for one person to run the Liberal party – no guarantee on actually running the province – and to campaign for the next election.  Still no word on the cash-strapped school board.

Since Christy Clark was elected as the new Liberal leader, is this $700,000 still slated for the campaign or was it contingent on Falcon winning the race?

If the answer is the latter, would those donating it mind maybe taking the rest of the money and putting it towards food programs and portables? At least until we get our feet back under us.


Margaret Shearman, Surrey


Peace Arch News