Raising awareness doesn’t help women in terror

Calgary letter writer Darlene Anderson wonders how Creston RCMP are really stopping violence against women...

To the Editor:

How is the article “Prevention of Violence Against Women Week raising awareness in Creston Valley” helping those that are in terror of their ex-spouses?

My sister has made numerous complaints, hoping the Creston RCMP will stop this narcissistic, brutally violent man from harassing her. He has beaten her for 11 years in their marriage. He has a record of guns, violence and drugs. Now he’s intimidating, stalking and defacing government property with terrible sexual messages on the mailboxes where she picks up her mail.

She has called the RCMP, who were to send the report to the Crown who were supposed to get a restraining order on him. They’ve done nothing. Do we sue when she’s dead? What is the alternative?

Darlene Anderson

Calgary, Alta.


Creston Valley Advance