Rally behind being responsible

EDITORIAL: Recent rain a welcome relief on all fronts

The precipitation and cooler weather in the North Okanagan this past week was a welcome relief during a hot, dry summer.

It was easier to sleep, it gave our lawns a refreshing drink and it didn’t hurt the cause in area forests or community water supplies either.

However, ironically, the relief came on the same day the provincial government initiated level four drought status for the Okanagan Valley.

Gee, maybe if they had initiated this earlier we would have got some relief earlier, eh? Unfortunately, although it would be nice, we can’t really blame Victoria for the present state of affairs in the province.

And, even though it rained some, we are still in a serious situation when it comes to our forests and our water supply.

Most residents are aware of this and in Greater Vernon we have already cut back 19 per cent in our water use, and saved a bundle in the process thanks to our high rates, so it’s a win-win for taxpayers.

The city is maintaining stage one water restrictions and monitoring conditions as summer progresses into fall.

Armstrong is voluntarily implementing stage two restrictions until further notice but the message remains the same throughout the valley – use water sparingly and respect the resource.

The same goes for our forests, enjoy beautiful British Columbia but respect the campfire ban and don’t make the firefighters’ job any tougher than it already has been this summer.

Basically it comes down to being a responsible citizen and good neighbour during a challenging time for our province. And that should be something everyone can rally behind.


Vernon Morning Star