Ramble On: Activities and adventures around the Columbia Valley

Lots of things to do around the Valley.

It was a wonderful weekend in the Valley with lots of activities to attend and enjoy. The folks in Radium did a fabulous job with Winterfest; the only thing they didn’t do was call me to say I’d won the 50/50 draw. I guess that was another pipe dream of mine! I know the money went to a good cause.The potato toppings were great and it was very difficult to choose just one to vote for. Congratulations to Horsethief Creek Pub & Eatery and their unique lasagne topping. The fresh spinach leaf was a delicious addition.There was a great crowd at the Windermere Community Hall on Sunday for the Windermere Winter Farmers’ Market. It was great to see so many vendors with so many wares to sell and lots of potential buyers lined up to see and, in many cases, taste.I did something new on Sunday too, something I wasn’t sure I would ever do.  After a tour through the farmers’ market I was feeling adventurous so I asked my niece how she would like to drive back to Invermere on the lake. Being the city girl that she is, she quickly said, “No, that would be scary!”Well, me being me, that was all the prompting necessary. I arrived at a few dead ends before hitting the right street to the beach and access to the ice road.We were feeling safe and before long Lauren’s window was open and her camera was out. She had yet another outing to tell her friends from the coast about that they are unlikely to experience. If you’re feeling adventurous ladies, check out the upcoming workshop with the Cheesecake Burlesque Revue. The opportunity to spend time with these ladies sounds like something that shouldn’t be missed. The story in this week’s issue has some very powerful words in it about self-esteem and body image. The idea of learning all about burlesque isn’t something that has likely occurred to you but give it a little thought, you might be surprised with what you decide. If you can’t make it to the workshop, be sure to attend the stage show on March 27.Don’t miss out on the exciting wine tasting event at Eagle Ranch on Saturday.

Invermere Valley Echo