Razorblade rant goes against individual choice

Mortimore talks “free lunch” rather than “free market”

Re. “Sharp practice on the market”, June 27.

G.E. Mortimore jumps from frustration at reduced availability of his favourite shaving razor to scare-mongering about trade freedom, seeming to have a conspiracy theory of economics that leads him to want to control other people.

He can buy his beloved Schick injector razor blades from Sears.com, and easily buy the razors on the Internet for $10. That’s not a bad price with today’s inflated currency.

Needs vary – some people have sensitive skin, some have bumpy skin, apparently people like the newer designs. Nicking is always a risk. Mortimore might appreciate even better protection by designs as his motor skills deteriorate with edge. (By his logic people should have stuck with the old knife-blade razors.) And Mortimore overlooks that some modern multi-blade razors change only the blade assembly, you keep the handle.

He then launches into a tirade against freedom of trading values with other people, specifically a trade-treaty provision intended to prevent playing games. That’s an odd position for someone who benefits from exporting forest products, which the U.S. played games over.

Mortimore talks “free lunch” rather than “free market”, expecting producers to keep making whatever he wants and sell at a very low price – that would be sacrifice.

But his real agenda is against what has provided the living aids, food, shelter, and medical care he enjoys – individual freedom.

Keith Sketchley


Goldstream News Gazette