RCMP apologize to ticketed tourists

I am writing in response to a letter that was signed by Pauline and Larry Cattrell of the High Hopes Bed and Breakfast. It outlined an experience that one of their clients had with the local police, specifically with the issuance of a violation ticket for tinted windows.

Re: Driving tourists away, Letters (Sept. 7)

I am writing in response to a letter that was signed by Pauline and Larry Cattrell of the High Hopes Bed and Breakfast. It outlined an experience that one of their clients had with the local police, specifically with the issuance of a violation ticket for tinted windows.

I would like to provide the community with an overview of the different RCMP police units that patrol our area who are not under the direction of the local police. There are specialized traffic units who are mandated to enforce traffic safety rules and regulations to keep our highways safe and reduce the number of vehicle related injuries and fatalities across the province. These units are an asset to our community and provide a service that would be difficult to maintain by the local police. Sometimes these officers are not aware of the local nuances and issues that affect the local community.

In the incident described by the Cattrells, it was a member of one of the traffic safety units who issued the ticket. Tinted windows are considered a safety issue for several reasons, however, in this case the officer made a mistake by issuing the violation ticket to an out-of-province driver of an out-of-province registered vehicle.

I was in touch with the tourists involved and offered an apology on behalf of the RCMP and they were very satisfied with the explanation I provided.

I would encourage members of the public to contact me at 604-869-7750 if they have questions or concerns on any public safety matters.

Staff Sgt. Suki Manj

Hope/Boston Bar Community Policing Office

Hope Standard