RCMP send us more bad apples

We have enough bad apples here in B.C. without having to import more from other provinces.

Editor: Is anyone surprised that disgraced policeman Don Ray has found a new home in B.C.? It would appear that the new head honcho of the RCMP is no better than the last one, and his promises to clean up the rank and file were all hot air.

We have enough bad apples here in B.C. without having to import more from other provinces. Why did he not get fired? If you or I were to behave that badly at our place of employment, we would certainly find ourselves on the receiving end of a pink slip very quickly.

The founders of the Northwest Mounted Police must be rolling in their graves at all the shoddy, disgusting reprobates that now wear the red serge.

A big thanks must go out to Shirley Bond for signing another 20-year contract with the RCMP — more of our hard-earned tax dollars misspent.

A. Crawford,


Langley Times