RCW website can help RCMP find culprits

To the editor:

Rural Crime Watch (RCW) expresses its appreciation to the 100 Mile Free Press and editor Ken Alexander for the May 18 editorial in which Mr. Alexander highlighted community concerns regarding vandalism.

He noted the extreme danger due to the knives being carried by the tire slashers. Equal concern is expressed for all criminal behaviour whether it be graffiti, vehicle theft, break-and-enters or broken merchant windows.

We encourage readers to contact RCW at www.ruralcrimewatch.com immediately after calling police if you are a recipient of criminal behaviour.

Our computer fan-out system reaches 650 Cariboo residents within a very short time period and the system has been instrumental in obtaining valuable information for the investigating Mountie. Please peruse the website and click on 100 Mile House Successes and those of other communities to see how your participation can bring equal success to nabbing criminals.


Jon McCormick, co-chair

Rural Crime Watch




100 Mile House Free Press