Re: MP David Wilk’s Response to Mr. Stetski

I was profoundly disturbed to read the first sentence in your response to Mr. Stetski.

Mr. Wilks,

I was profoundly disturbed to read the first sentence in your response to Mr. Stetski.  I would remind you and your colleagues that while terrorists and radicals do not recognize the rule of law or the rules regarding conduct during wartime, we Canadians do. You are correct when you say that our flag stands the world over as a symbol of freedom, but if you and your colleagues continue to trample civil liberties in the name of “security”, that will change.

Terrorism can never destroy our way of life, but our response to that terrorism could be the end of freedom and justice in this nation, not just for the terrorists who threaten us but also for every citizen of this free country.  Spying on citizens without warrants, secret trials where the accused cannot confront their accuser and pre-crime detention without charge are not the hallmarks of a free and just society.

Trevor Fairweather

Fernie, B.C.

The Free Press