Reader against Wildlife Allocation Policy changes

Ostoforoff: resident hunters should get at least 90 per cent

To the editor:

I am writing in regards to the recent decision by the B.C. Liberal government to increase the allocation of wildlife to the Guide Outfitters of British Columbia.

I have been applying for Limited Entry Draws for over 35 years. I have received only one moose draw in all that time.

Now, the odds will be increased against all resident hunters of B.C. and even more so as the guides will receive a greater amount of the available licences.

There are thousands of resident hunters in B.C. and they spend a lot of money on everything that goes along with our hunting season.

The gas stations, motels, retail outlets, restaurants and the government all benefit from resident hunters more so than any foreign hunters who come and leave their money with the guide-outfitters.

I understood there was an agreement between our government, B.C. Wildlife Federation and the Guide Outfitter of B.C. on how the resource was to be allocated.

This most recent decision came as a shock to me and just about everyone else I have talked to as it increased the amount given to the guides and takes away from all of us who live here. We should have at least 90 per cent of the harvestable animals available to resident hunters.

You would think that if the government is going to increase the number of animals taken by the guides, it would manage the wildlife better, so as to increase the population of harvestable species.

Seen a moose around here lately?

Our premier pops her head out every six months or so to check on things, although I have not heard her on this issue, or really any other issue. I think we should complain directly to her about this.

I did see her on the news telling laid-off oil workers to come home.

Now, there is no work and they probably can’t hunt here either.

George Ostoforoff

100 Mile House


100 Mile House Free Press