Reader appreciates positive news in newspaper

Dear editor,

How wonderful Paul’s impression of love, but also that Paul Lidgate took the time to write about it.

Dear editor,

How wonderful Paul’s impression of love, but also that Paul Lidgate took the time to write about it in the Comox Valley Record Aug. 31,  titled Restaurant hits the Spot.

Often we are bombarded with negative articles, therefore, it is a delightful change to read of someone’s joyful experience.

It was good of the paper to print this responsive moment. Too often kind words and deeds are not passed on, however, when they do, it is refreshing to read about it and to realize that there are people who do care and are willing to sacrifice their time to make another person happy, in this case an elderly gentleman.

Let’s follow his example and multiply this, just like Jason offered to help out on his day off, sustained by his manager Julie of the Courtenay White Spot restaurant.

Cool is a much repeated word these days, but let me use it once more and give all the employees a high five for their compassion shown to this elderly gentleman to the delight of his son Paul from Victoria. Happy moments are created by people; they don’t happen otherwise.

Ary Sala,

Fanny Bay

Editor’s note: Perhaps it’s human nature for people to complain more readily than praise. We are pleased to report uplifting content as we become aware of it.

Comox Valley Record