Reader assured all is well with food

MLA Barnett provide important details on hospital, senior care meals

To the editor:

Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett contacted me on Aug. 3 to provide a few additional details about our hospital food that were missing in the recent news story in the 100 Mile House Free Press,

regarding Interior Health’s decision to stop serving homemade meals at 100 Mile District General Hospital.

In hindsight, I should have known better and contacted Donna before sending my letter to Mr. Malzer.

Donna has advised she too has been concerned, but has assured me that many daily food items will still be provided fresh each day.

Fresh fruit, sandwiches will be made fresh, vegetables & breakfast will be made “in-house,” including includes eggs, toast, pancakes, etc., and all special diets will also be made “in-house.”

As I understand it, the meat will be prepared off site, frozen & delivered to each facility.

This service will be provided to every Interior Health facility; 100 Mile House is not being singled out and no jobs will be impacted by these changes.

I am still concerned, but not nearly as much as I was prior to hearing these important details.

Donna also reassured me that it would be closely monitored and patients will be surveyed on a regular basis.

These were important details that I was unaware of.

Thank you Donna for taking the time to contact me and provide me with this information.


Judy Simkins

108 Mile Ranch

100 Mile House Free Press