Reader chastises mayor over comments made in ‘As The Mayor Sees It’ column

letter to the editor from Edie Doering - Reader chastises mayor over comments made in ‘As The Mayor Sees It’ column

To the editor;

Mr. Mayor, you go too far in your “As the Mayor Sees It” article in the Dec. 12 Star/Journal issue.

I will never argue that we need an upgrade to our power supply.

I’m pleased that elected officials are pressuring BC Hydro to address the problem.

In this article you make the point that power outages can be hazardous for seniors who have compromised health and or mobility.

However, after having made this point, you continue to hammer away in a very tasteless and unnecessary way.

I could hardly believe you exhibited such bad taste as to refer to a room in a seniors facility as a cell.

This article was nothing more than buffoonery.

Edie Doering

Barriere, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal