Reader disappointed with social media comments

Boycotting anti-bullying event sending wrong message to children

To the editor:

I’m writing in regards to the article, headlined “Hockey parents boycott anti-bullying event”, on page A16 in your March 5 edition.

Shame on you parents for what you have done. Your children missed out on a fun time.

A lot of work went into putting on this and other events in this community for the benefit of our young people. Why not encourage the volunteers and lend a hand instead of griping and complaining behind their backs.

This appears to be an example of “bullying” through the use of social media. If our children learn through example, is this what you would like to be teaching them?

I hope you will be at the next annual general meeting to throw your name in the hat for a spot on the volunteer list.

Bill Baerg

100 Mile House


100 Mile House Free Press