Reader enraged about development proposal for Comox waterfront

Dear editor,
I am enraged that plans are still afoot for this eyesore development plan for the Comox waterfront!
This is extremely bad news for the town of Comox.

Dear editor,I am enraged that plans are still afoot for this eyesore development plan for the Comox waterfront!This is extremely bad news for the town of Comox.Why?First of all, the docks are old and need total replacement before any soil could be turned for development.Second and of vital importance is this is a fill site and not stable enough. The millions of dollars trying to keep the present condos repaired warrant levelling the site and only allowing marina-based business instead.A marine-based industry is needed more than eyesore condos.This scribe was informed about this site being three inches lower now than when the present structures were built.John Fox warned the Town of Comox years ago about the preservation of this area and totally against this present type of development.You have Marina Park and parking areas that allow visitors access. This development will destroy this badly needed access.This whole site has been badly engineered from the beginning. It shows a degree of arrogant stupidity that the citizens of Comox and the surrounding communities find appalling.This plan was shot down by concerned citizens before. Must it be done again? With a resounding yes!J.C. McKee,Comox

Comox Valley Record