Reader: federal Conservatives ‘debasing democracy’

Tories inflicting harm on Canadian democratic culture

To the editor:

Canadians should be deeply concerned about the erosion and debasement of democracy by the federal Conservatives:

• Using Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the RCMP to spy on environmentalists, including seniors in a church basement in Kelowna and the all-native high school basketball tourney in Prince Rupert – all the while cozying up to energy companies;

• Complicity in spying on leaders at G-8 and G-20 summits, while using force to suppress democratic protests;

• National Security Agency type intrusions into the private lives of Canadians;

• Manipulating and stacking advisory committees on food safety, the environment and judicial appointments; and

• Stifling parliamentary debate, omnibus bills, prorogation and vicious personalized attacks on political opponents.

It is inflicting harm on our democratic culture.

The sordid display during Question Period, by the prime minister’s right hand man, Paul Calandra, refusing to answer questions and defying the Speaker is a new low.

It shows a disturbing contempt for parliamentary principles and practices.

It is more than unaccountability; it reflects an arrogance and bully political culture that says, “We are perfect, you are worthless.”

Our local Conservative MP [Cathy McLeod] and Senator [Nancy Greene] do what they’re told or keep silent – their loyalty to the party seemingly greater than respect for fairness and rights.

These are issues that transcend party affiliation.

They are integral to respect for democracy and ought to concern all Canadians – irrespective of political stripe.

Power corrupts.

As the song goes, “You don’t know what you’ve got, ‘til it’s gone.”

We should all be concerned.


Bill Sundhu



100 Mile House Free Press