Reader feels veterans were slighted

Dear editor,

I’m generally regarded a peaceful guy by nature and don’t get easily riled up, but page 26 of Thursday’s Recordhonouring Canadian’s veterans got my dander up.

There was scant acknowledgment of the more than 125,000 Canadian Armed Force members that served in more than 35 countries around the world over the last six decades.

Lest we forget, approximately 130 gave their lives and many more have suffered physical and mental injuries and came back to broken homes in the service of their country.

Many of the missions like the 1963 mission to Yemen were dangerous and the living conditions were described to be, at best, atrocious. We answered the call to duty and expected no reward. We simply did the best job we could.

We don’t deserve to be treated as second class Vets by Veterans Affairs and our George Bush wannabe Prime Minister.

In 1988 the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Peacekeepers in recognition of their collective efforts in the cause of peace.

Doug Poole






Comox Valley Record