Reader happy with metered water

Dear editor,

I have read a few letters recently from people complaining about their water meters and having to pay for what they use.

Evidently these people are paying more now than they used to pay before being metered. Well, I am happy to say that my metered water bill has decreased substantially and I am happier still for no longer having to subsidize anyone who chooses to be extravagant with their water use.

We live on a rural acreage and have a large vegetable garden and a green lawn but have always been careful with our water use and conserve where ever possible.

Some of the things to conserve water are:

1. check for leaks from the meter to the house

2. fix any dripping taps

3. collect the cold water that precedes hot water and use it on the garden

4. don’t flush every time you pee.

5. there are many more ways so just use your imagination and enjoy.

However, there will be little incentive to conserve water unless everyone is metered, so I strongly recommend the metering system be expanded throughout the whole Valley to reduce overall consumption. Until that happens the system will not be equitable to all.

Our population is expanding and the water supply may not be so reliable in the future due to the glacier melting, snow packs being erratic from year to year and summer droughts which are becoming more frequent and longer. This makes it imperative that we use it wisely.

Terry Fight





Comox Valley Record