Reader questions paycheque comment

Top-level politicians not in the game for the money

Re: NDP’s Farnworth looking for a raise in pay (Letters, March 7)

Is it out of ignorance or animosity that Joe Sawchuk says Mike Farnworth just wants to be NDP leader for the bigger paycheque? I suppose he would feel the same way about anyone who throws their hat into the ring for the top job. Did he say the same about any of the Liberal MLAs who ran to replace Gordon Campbell in 2011?

With Adrian Dix’s resignation, the NDP need someone to fill the post and lead them through the 2017 election. I’d like to know what the stats in other legislatures have to do with ours.

Perhaps during the next national election, we could hear from Mr. Sawchuk how Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair and anyone else after Stephen Harper’s job are really just after the paycheque.

Andre Mollon


Victoria News