Reader stands up for Crowley’s opinion

I am somewhat surprised the Shuswap Market News (sister paper to the Observer) would print a letter that allows one to takes personal shots

Regarding the  Great Outdoors column:

I am somewhat surprised the Shuswap Market News (sister paper to the Observer) would print a letter that allows one to takes personal shots at those that express their opinions?

In some letters I have submitted, I was occasionally told by this elite group of lofty leftists, I could not write this or that, or it was not in good taste. However, what can one do as the Observer picks and chooses what appears in “their” paper.

In reading the recent letter (Shuswap Market News Jan. 16/15) from Yvonne Nairn that takes personal shots at a writer (Tom Crowley) where she points out that Mr. Crowley has a “pointy nose and he is a fool.”

Hardly shows the editing qualities of the Observer in my opinion.

In any future submissions Yvonne Nairn wants to submit, she might want to reconsider her need to add personal comments in her rebuttals against those she doesn’t agree with.

She concludes: she doubts if one person might think his letter has any validity.

I am pleased to inform Ms. Nairn, I am one of those people who thinks Mr. Crowley’s letter does have validity!

B. Campbell


Salmon Arm Observer