READERS WRITE: Can be no vote but no in Kitimat plebiscite

A reader takes a position on the Kitimat plebiscite

Dear Sir,

After researching and analyzing the nasty results of various dilbit and condensate spills that have occurred in the US and Canada in the last few years it is painfully obvious to me that the Enbridge Northern Gateway proposal is too dangerous and by far not worth the risk.

I will be voting no on April 12 in an effort to maintain what little remaining protection we have of our streams and head waters here in northern B.C.

A no vote on the Kitimat plebiscite will go a long ways in helping to protect the existing integrity of North Coast B.C. from the ravages of dilbit and/or condensate spills. By not having super tankers plying our coast we can all rest a lot easier. Think of it as 100 per cent spill prevention even in the worst of weather conditions.

After closely following all of the Joint Review Panel proceedings I am unable to vote anything other than no on April 12. A short while into the proceedings it became clear to me that the level of the playing field was being manipulated by the National Energy Board and the federal government. Due to timelines and the JRP’s narrow, and NEB mandated, scope there were pertinent facts and science that was not allowed to be introduced into evidence. This in my view put a black eye on the quasi-judicial proceedings, and for me called the whole process into question.

For example the JRP looked past all the flaws that were found in the Environmental Assessment that were pointed out by many and some flaws even Enbridge concurred with. The JRP were then able to make a finding of any and all spills that would be viewed as “insignificant.” As if that statement weren’t sickening enough they went on to find that a spill of “Significant Adverse Environmental Impact would be justified under the circumstances”.

The majority of Kitimat jobs that may be produced by this proposal are fleeting and any remaining jobs would be few. These few remaining jobs would come at the peril of many existing jobs and lifestyles that already exist on our coast.

Long term windfall tax benefits may not be as plentiful as advertised. We are all aware of the ability and ease in which large corporation’s claw back their tax dollars.

I view the JRP findings as more than just absurd. People who have watched the Enbridge Northern Gateway review process unfold and are still able to vote anything other than no on April 12 have been watching with more than just one eye closed.

I implore you to please reconsider and vote no.


David G McRae


Kitimat Northern Sentinel