Real change?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau caught up in dumb-gate

In a couple of minutes of anger in the House of Commons on May 18, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showed a side of himself that was not so adorable and smart.

He was not the young man during the last federal election campaign who convinced Canadians across the country that he was the man who would bring “real change” to how the federal government would be run and how every member of Parliament would be respected and heard.

In the throne speech, Canadians were told Justin Trudeau’s government would ensure that in the Parliament, all members would be honoured, respected and heard regardless of which side of the House they sat on.

The throne speech continued that in this chamber, the voices of all Canadians matter.

The speech indicated the new Liberal government would be welcoming and encouraging more open debate and free votes, and would see committees reformed and strengthened.

It was noted that every cabinet minister would have these directions put in their mandate letters.

It appeared Prime Minister Trudeau was going to bring that promised “real change” to the House of Commons and the way government was going to do business.

Things were rosy, warm, fuzzy and photo ops were a happy event.

Fast forward to May 18.

Things are much different in the House of Commons on that day.

Trudeau’s government was trying to move closure on the debate on Bill C-14 (Doctor-assisted dying) without allowing 70 per cent of the House’s parliamentarians to speak about a very important and difficult bill about allowing people to be euthanized at their request and all of the rules and regulations around approving that request.

Federal Health Minister Jane Philpott spoke to the House about the critical time frame of getting the bill passed.

Instead, the government put a bunch of small items before Parliament and, thereby, ate up the time to debate C-14.

In six short months of a majority government, the Prime Minister had learned and used all of the dirty tricks to try to silence the voices of the Opposition members in a chamber where there was supposed to be more open debate and free votes.

In the attempt to evoke closure on the debate, some NDP MPs attempted to block the Opposition whip from taking his seat so the vote could start.

All of a sudden a bully named Justin angrily strode across the sandbox, grabbed the whip who was being blocked, swore at the blockers and accidentally elbowed a female MP in the chest while trying to drag the whip to his seat.

Promise kept: Trudeau brought “real change” to how business is conducted in the House.

100 Mile House Free Press