
Real lockdown should have been done

This stops Dr. Henry from putting in a province wide lockdown.

Real lockdown should have been done

Dr. Bonnie Henry along with the B.C. NDP government, retail business, and the general public are all to blame for our COVID-19 cases still on the rise after one year of the beginning of the COVID virus.

Why? Dr. Bonnie Henry does not have the full power of implementing law abiding restrictions in relation to COVID because the NDP provincial government still wants to collect the B.C. sales tax, B.C. room tax, B.C. fuel tax, B.C. liquor tax, B.C. employer health care tax, just to name some of the taxes that we as taxpayers pay out, and unavailable in a total lockdown.

This stops Dr. Henry from putting in a province wide lockdown.

In Wuhan, China, the government put in a 75 day complete lockdown. Today, Wuhan does not have any COVID cases, and is free for everyone to enjoy life again like before the COVID pandemic. No more masks, no more self distancing, no more daily sanitizing, no more hospital COVID patients, and no need for vaccines, all because of biting the bullet with the 75 day lockdown. Our NDP government should have done the same.

CBC’s Marketplace did a show on germ areas in retail businesses. The number one germ area is the debit/credit card pad that we all use when shopping. The second germ area is the freezer door handles in the frozen food and dairy sections of a food store.

Thousands of B.C. residents are having the attitude that “I will not be infected by the COVID virus”, thus refusing to wear masks at all times, whether inside or outside.

I do a lot of walking. As we are in a pandemic situation, I put my mask on when leaving home and do not take the mask off until I come back home. I go for a walk to the park by the river, and every time I am the only person with a mask on.

Students in our local high school follow COVID rules while inside the school. When I am walking on the school grounds, these same students are huddled in groups of 20, with no masks on, or doing self distancing. Nothing but a big joke. I just shake my head.

In the meantime, the COVID situation is out of hand and will be for quite some time. The vaccine will not put a total stop to the COVID virus. Everyone has to work as a team and that is stay home, wear your masks, inside and outside, do your essential errands, and immediately return home. Have patience, as patience is the greatest victory in your lives. If not, we are going to have a hot summer and seeing signs, saying, no shirts, no shoes, no mask, no service. eople want to get back to normal and starting to take vacations. This will not happen presently.

We cannot have our cake and eat it too, and united we stand, divided we fall. We are definitely falling. Big time.

Congratulations to the people of Victoria. I had a errand to do in Victoria, and walking downtown Victoria, everybody was wearing a mask, something that some Duncan people are not doing.


Joe Sawchuk


Cowichan Valley Citizen