Real moral crisis in the world is indifference

Is the term social-economic climbers, or yuppies or even hypocrites, too kind to describe them?

Editor, The News:

I submit that the real moral crisis in the world today is the mental apathy, or indifference, and spinelessness of millions of citizens who wallow in it.

Mentally lazy and spineless people get conned, used and exploited, all while supporting and even being so stupid as to thank those who con, use and exploit them.

On the other hand, who can harshly blame those of them who are pre-occupied with using all their energy and meager resources to barely stay alive.

Excluding some First Nations communities  and inner city areas where grass roots people are barely staying alive, this is not as big an issue in North America and Europe as it is in other places of the world.

We have tables of plenty, especially here in Canada.

The greedy, wealthy, clever, selfish and influential dine on the very best at it.

The poor and discouraged wait aside, scrambling and even begging for the left overs and crumbs dropped or even thrown to them from the tables.

It appears that the current Catholic Pope who was recently in the U.S. addressed exactly this moral crisis.

Ignoring him – while putting on the façade that they are not ignoring him – were and remain the greedy, wealthy, clever, selfish and influential.

Equally as disturbing are those recipients of crumbs thrown their way, those who have sold their souls in order to become comfortable based on the crumbs – even in relatively small ways – or who badly want to be so, immoral wannabees.

They cuddle up to and mimic their crumb-dropping masters while mentally and physically remain indifferent by distancing themselves from the poor.

Is the term social-economic climbers, or yuppies or even hypocrites, too kind to describe them?

Dr. Dennis Hall,

M.Ed., Ph.D.

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Maple Ridge News