Reality check

Resident concerned about the NDP's position on oil development

I like many other voters was in a quandary when the election was announced.

I felt Harper was going to be defeated but saw little difference in the NDP and  Liberals. Then because of the long campaign, things started to come into play.

Tom Mulcair said in one of his speeches that the tar sands in Alberta are a pariah to the world.

Also in a discussion with the local NDP candidate, Jacqui Gingras, she said she would oppose any pipe lines.

For a federal party to come out and directly close off the Prairie provinces to operate is an affront to the thousands of Canadians who work directly and those who work in manufacturing in Ontario and Quebec building structures and equipment.

There are thousands of workers from B.C. and the rest of Canada depending on the movement of commodities. Thousands who live in B.C. and work in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

Contrary to NDP beliefs, oil will be here a lot longer and will be the saviour of Canada. The provincial  NDP made the same mistake in the provincial election announcing days before the election they would not support any pipeline. Political parties have to look at reality and find a way to keep jobs and develop and market our oil.

Hal Keating


Vernon Morning Star