Reason behind deer cull is hard to understand

We have also spoken to people at the anti-cull rallies who are very knowledgable and hardly a bunch of zealots

My family and I have been following the cull since almost the beginning. We have heard the mayor on radio, read his comments in print and seen him on television, all the time pushing a cull.

We have also spoken to people at the anti-cull rallies who are very knowledgable and hardly a bunch of zealots like others claim. We have also researched and read information on culls, and the scientific evidence shows they are nothing more than a waste of time and money. Not to mention the stress imposed upon the deer.

I wonder why the mayor of Oak Bay insists on pushing the cull and the only thing we can agree to is it is a political move on his part. His reasons for a cull are truly foundless. Is safety more of an issue here in Oak Bay than anywhere else? We do not think so. Do we truly have an overpopulation of deer? According to a deer count, no.

A cull will cause a lot more problems than his honour realizes. He has a four-year term and it might just be a very difficult four years.

Percival Farnsworth and family


Oak Bay



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